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A fond farewell to an old friend

A fond farewell to an old friend

Janice with the Gresty family at a wedding

Janice with the Gresty family at a wedding

Recently, we were very sad to learn of the death of Janice Flynn (second from the left in the photo) who passed away in August 2014, aged 53. One of our Trustees, Tony Gresty and his family were particularly close to Janice and it was really interesting to hear about how Stockdales brought them together many years ago.

Tony told us, “Janice came to Stockdales for a short summer break in the late 1970’s. This was when she met my parents, who volunteered there at the time. Janice’s time at Stockdales was a very positive experience and one which stayed with her forever.

She developed a strong relationship with Mum and Dad which continued after she left Stockdales. Janice became one of the family, with Mum and Dad lending her a hand whenever she needed help.

Janice was a larger than life character who had many friends. She was always positive despite her disability and was always laughing, and I mean always! We treasured her friendship as it had a massive impact on all of us as a family.

Janice is a reminder to me that Stockdales will continue to have a positive impact on people’s lives and the lives of their families. Not just when they are caring for people but for many years afterwards too.

Now a Trustee of Stockdales, when I visit I’m always reminded of the times I came to help out as a child. I am proud to play a very small part in that change and whose services continue to help other people like Janice too.”

We think this is a lovely story and are proud to have played a part in the loving relationship that developed between Janice and the Gresty family.


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