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A flying success!

A flying success!

Congratulations to the 5 winners of our Virtual Balloon Race, we hope you enjoy your prizes.

1st Prize – Meal for 2 at Mano a Bocca – Nelia Silva

2nd Prize – 30 Piece Sushi for Platter from Kampai – Sally Hammonds

3rd Prize – Gift pack of Beer from Mort Subite – Jayne Berry

4th Prize – Afternoon Tea for 2 from The Fab Patisserie – Fay Brocklebank

5th Prize – Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage from GRB Skin Clinic + Candle Set from Candles of Sale – Izzy Young

We had 48 balloons enter the race in the virtual sky and raised a fantastic £144!

Thank you to everyone who bought a balloon and a special thank you to all the local businesses who donated prizes for the race. We couldn’t do these fun fundraisers without your support.

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