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Dream Days

Dreams can come true.

Your dream experience is unique to you, whatever it may be. Dreams give hope and something to look forward to. It’s the chance to have a magical experience whilst creating lasting and treasured memories.

This is what our Dream Days project is all about. It’s a special ‘wish’ based project that helps children, young people and adults with learning disabilities to make their dreams come true. Something they can cherish forever, however long their journey.

Dream Days brings people together as families can join in too. It’s a wonderful opportunity for parents to be parents instead of carers, as the support side of things is included as part of the package. Take a look at our guidelines to see if you can apply for a Dream Day. If you can, apply here or contact us and we’ll send you an application form.

Our work doesn’t end here. We help people with a wide range of abilities and their families and carers in so many other ways too. Why not find out about our other services:

Residential, Lifeskills Activities, Children’s Clubs, Social Cubs and Home Care Support?

Contact us if you’d like to know more about Dream Days

Read all about how we’ve touched people’s lives

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